Your Voice – Jane DeNeefe
With only one competitive school board race- we thought we’d open up the floor to any of your thoughts, endorsements, and posts - here's Jane DeNeefe's take on the District 4 school board race.
August 27, 2018/by Huntsville United
Citizen Comments Unchained
The policy governing Citizen Comments, regardless of their intent, suppress comments
July 28, 2017/by scottrseeley
Dr. Akin Takes The Center Ring
Akin's State of the Schools address was a missed opportunity to "bring it to the parents," and bring it with honesty.
April 17, 2017/by Huntsville United
Juggling Jobs or Leaving?
Is Huntsville City Schools Chief Financial Officer Jason Taylor planning on juggling a sweet second job or is Taylor's exit from the system imminent?
March 2, 2017/by Huntsville United
About Last Night
Machinations, leaks and failed leadership harm all stakeholders, students, our children and our city - they make Huntsville appear provincial and small.
January 31, 2017/by Huntsville United
Superintendent Candidates – Stakeholder Input Sought
Board members urge community feedback as they take the next steps in deciding who should be the next superintendent.
January 24, 2017/by Huntsville United
An open letter to candidates for Huntsville City Schools superintendent
Active, authentic dialogue will go a long way to resolving many of the issues we face.
January 16, 2017/by scottrseeley
Superintendent Search Stakeholder Input Report
October 28, 2016/by Huntsville United
Huntsville City Schools Superintendent Search Survey
October 11, 2016/by Huntsville United
Drake draws support and goodwill from our diverse community
The appointment by the Huntsville Board of Education of lifelong educator and retired principal, Tom Drake, as interim superintendent brings the potential for healing and unity to a divided school district.
September 21, 2016/by Huntsville United
Board of Education: Reboot
Unlike a computer, rebooting an organization, making necessary changes to move forward and toward a new beginning is a process.
September 1, 2016/by Huntsville United
School Board Campaign Finance Tracker – Updated 8/23
Convenient public access to the required Campaign Finance Disclosure forms empowers community oversight.
August 23, 2016/by Huntsville United
Lost Lines
Lakewood Elementary, first grade in Ms. Denson's class, who I clearly loved. (I really did, and I thought she was beautiful)
August 21, 2016/by Christina Seeley
Citizen Comment – Eddgra Fallin – July 21, 2016
Everything I know about the democratic process I learned in the 9th grade at Chapman Middle School. One of the first things I learned is the majority rules
July 21, 2016/by Huntsville United
Why Huntsville United is taking up Slack
As Huntsville United grows we're working to engage more members, make collaboration more effective and manage our messaging.
June 27, 2016/by Huntsville United
The Choking Game – Our Family’s Effort to Educate
After our family's tragedy, we were sure we could get support and answers from Dr. Casey Wardynski, Huntsville City Schools Superintendent.
May 30, 2016/by Huntsville United